Saturday, June 23, 2012

4.1 ft ....

Just got off the Selway, sorry for the gap in postings.  Rain and heat at night is keeping the Lochsa up in the 4s.  Can you believe it has been at least 4 feet every weekend since April?  This is the endless summer on an average streamflow prediction.  It's got to tank at some point, probably the next time it gets cold at night.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

3.4 ft

Nice run, Dave!  Lochsa Falls April 14, 2012 Level 3.7 ft; Photo by Gabe Scheib, Rapid Action Whitewater Photography

Sunday, April 1, 2012

3.5 ft

Happy April Fool's Day 2012 - This is no joke....
Welcome back to the update.  I'll do my best to keep this accurate.  It has been warm and rainy on the Lochsa for a couple days.  There are some mudslides downriver.  It is 3.5 feet on the bridge at 8 am Pacific Time.